Coaching can bring the peace of mind that comes from truly knowing your own self. A coaching conversation can bring new insights, action plans, and even transformation. It can also help develop a recognition and acknowledgment of your own wisdom. The coaching relationship reflects back what you haven’t yet been able to see on your own.

The coaching relationship is between equals; two beings who are creative, resourceful and whole. During a coaching session you can expect to be guided to a deeper inquiry into your own values, life purpose, career or relationship issues, or everyday quandaries.

If you wish your life
were different…
do your life differently.
~Terence Houlihan  

Personal Coaching

Are you looking for support in your personal or professional life? Barbara can help you:
• identify goals and next steps
• leverage your strengths
• explore how your values can be met
• live from a place of inner strength
• move into inspired action

Client Testimonials

Barbara is a very talented coach. I experienced her coaching at workshop. She was able to lead me to a powerful insight which shifted my perspective on a situation in a matter of 8 minutes! It’s pretty amazing.
– JK

Barbara possesses a straight-shooting, soothing style that is both confidence-building and nurturing. Although her energy level remains zen-like, she is a highly engaged, active listener who asks pointedly powerful questions. Barbara is able to get to the meat of the matter without getting too caught up in “the story”.

She was always able to direct me back to my goals and how I wanted to achieve them. She is also excellent at acknowledging and validating – something I need endlessly! Due to her ability to remain calm no matter how intense the subject matter, I was reminded the importance of always remaining calm, confident, positive and empathetic.

A surprising number of large life events unfolded while coaching with Barbara, and I was able to navigate all of them successfully with her encouragement and the action plans she helped me create. – KB

Barbara is a great coach, attentive, organized, and super easy to talk to. Her professional experience helped me gain perspective in an area that was new to me, and gain confidence that I am the Client, Architect, Project Manager, and Designer all-in-one.  – AZ

[Barbara] helped me see that some of my own personal qualities, such as my value system, might actually be a tangible asset…  That’s been a useful insight.  – JN

If you have a chance to work with Barbara – do so – the gentle thorough ways work. – RG

Coaching Sessions

I offer complimentary sample sessions so that you can get a feel for what coaching can do for you.  The coaching relationship can be structured in many ways to suit your needs; weekly, biweekly, or monthly sessions, in person or by phone, and a duration of your choosing. Typically the first session is a discovery session in which we dive deep into what makes you unique.

Contact me today to schedule your free sample session!